Now what?
I launched DFW just six months ago. The original idea was to create a clearinghouse of information about myself, include pictures, recordings, a philosophy…generally make it easy on people to get the necessary information about me to make the decision easier whether or not to audition me for their band.
I’ve had some fun with the blog and have gotten generally good comments about the contents. There have been several auditions…many, many offers and even a few “thanks for coming out” (interpretation: not even close to what we’re looking for) Fair enough.
I spent the money on the domain name, built my own site, and ran some ads with no expectations. But today, the site has entertained its 5000th visitor. That’s crazy!
I didn’t know there were 5000 musicians in town. Now, I admit the vast majority only make it as far as the front page, see my picture and leave---can you blame them?
But many stick around, read the bio, my philosophy, hear the music—and here’s the real test of success—how many actually make it down to the contact page.
Of those, about 25% actually do contact me. It’s fractional.
The site has done a great job of pruning from both directions. It instantly informs many people that I’m just not right for their project and to move along in their search. It also keeps the barrage of people from contacting me whom I wouldn’t want to play for. So the site has performed well in narrowing the focus and keeping only the seriously interested informed.
It also keeps me from having to repeat the same old tired information over and over again—what have you done? Who have you played for? How long have you played? Blah, blah, blah.
It’s getting down to it. January has been the sites biggest month so far and that has translated into genuine auditions and genuine offers. I knew it would happen this way. Everyone comes out of the holidays looking for a drummer or this piece or that piece-- all ready to start gigging again. It’s cyclical you know. Same thing happens after school starts. Those are the best times to get involved in music.
So the original question….Now what?
The site needs video content and with a name like DFW, I’d thought I’d start producing video profiles of drummers in the area. No, it will not start with me, but I have a few people in mind. From there, we’ll see where it goes.
As for me, the search continues. I’m weighing some offers and uncertainty still reigns. But the search is fun. I’m meeting nice people. I’m playing some interesting music. I’m teaching a few lessons. I’m still recording some projects and I feel like the need for drummers in the area is only increasing which puts all of us drummers in a real good position to do what we want.
Stay tuned.
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