Welcome To Flakeville...Population 99% of Musicians
After many rehearsals, learning more songs I’ve never heard of before, and going through the ever popular “honeymoon over” period, it seems that the band I joined earlier this year has idled. I get this feeling because --*poof*--the calls stopped and it’s now been 3 months since I’ve heard from anyone in the band.I report this like its earthshaking news. In fact- I’ve come to expect the “I fallen off the face of the earth and I can’t get up” silent treatment and apparently—it has no bounds.A church---I SAID A CHURCH—called me a few weeks ago to sub in and possibly take over the drum position in their “praise and worship” band. It’s a big church—I’m talking large and I got pretty excited about the opportunity. I’m a Christian and have absolutely no qualms playing praise and worship music. The guy who called me is the music minister and I told him I was available and probably familiar with a lot of the music they’re playing. He told me to plan on being there the next day at 5 to rehearse and then play in the 7:00 service. He asked me what I charged. I gave him my rates and he happily agreed. I asked for a list of songs that I‘ll be expected to play the next evening and he said he would e-mail me the list. Well, you guessed it, the list never came. Instead, I get a cryptic voicemail the next day saying he forgot—HE FORGOT—to e-mail me the list. Not only did he forget to call but that it was too late to bring me in now and would I be interested in subbing in for them sometime. FLAKE, FLAKE!
I’m just stubborn (or stupid) enough to think I can find 4 musicians/vocalists in the DFW area who are normal. Well, I know I've found two...one is a Yamaha Motif ES6 and the other is Digidesign Pro Tools. I thought at one time that I'd found an actual human bass player who seemed like he might be a good fit, but he came down with a rabid case of “I’ve fallen off the face of the earth and I can’t get up”. I know, I know. I might as well be looking for Atlantis to rise up from Lake Lewisville—but as I said, I’m just stubborn enough to keep up the search for the others pieces I need for another go at a legitimate live project. Other drummers know what I’m talking about. Yes, we do network and we know and discuss a lot of the typical players out there that keep surfacing in the “drummer wanted” arena.
We talk in detail about the never ending search for a group of talented, experienced, friendly, responsible, hard-working, patient, amiable, fun loving musicians who aren’t redneck, racist, lazy, know-it all, drunken, dope addict egotistical wanna-be rock gods, who firmly believe that playing biker bars is the end all/be all!
That shouldn’t be too hard, huh?
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