Out of the market…for now
No more ads…no more looking…no more auditions…no more funny stories to tell, at least for now.
After a two plus year search for a suitable live music project, I’ve concluded the only way back to A-room stages is if I put a band together myself…so…..
With the able assistance of three very fine, talented musicians and a Yamaha Motif workstation, we are working our way to stage. The competition for stage time will be fierce, so we’ll have to be outstanding in every way but I’m looking forward to the challenge.
The pre-production is going great and faster than expected. I love Pro Tools and love the Motif even more. The learning curve hasn’t been the issue I thought it would be, but mostly I love the people that have joined me. They are young, talented, eager and hard working. We will have an outstanding front line, we will be vocally thick instrumentally strong and the set list is very fresh, sophisticated and tight. High energy dance with great tunes that aren’t being played to death already.
This is getting very exciting. The best part for me is: (in no particular order)
1) no more classic rock, rock-god wanna-be garage bands with no plans…just jams
2) no more goofy, hipster bands looking for a drummer who will play like Neil Peart and keep his mouth shut
3) No more age discrimination
4) No more flakes (I guess this would be number 1)
5) No more playing foreign kits that were purchased used from Wal-Mart
More to come when the marketing campaign kicks off.
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