Goodbye Gravity… we hardly knew ya
Just hours before my planned resignation from the cover band I’ve been gigging with for the past year, the band leader called me and said they wanted to go in a different direction with a drummer.
My immediate thought was, “you’ll never go in a different direction”...that's why I'm leaving". My immediate reaction was, “this will save me a phone call on Tuesday.'
I planned to stay for the next two gigs, I had an overwhelming feeling during the last song Saturday night that this would be my last time on stage with these guys. And since they instigated the seperation and not me, I would feel awkward now playing on stage with them again.
It was an amicable parting. If there ever is any such thing. It's unfortunate that we couldn't find a way to stay together because I genuinely like these people. But they just won't move forward. During my year tenure, we played pretty much the same 48 songs, the same way, in the same order every gig. Not much ever changed. It seemed to me like nothing ever would and my tank ran dry.
For example, we only played four songs Saturday that we didn’t play the first time out last August. I just can't play those songs anymore.
In any regard, some friendships will endure. These were not unpleasant people. I enjoyed their company. I just didn’t share their passion for “vintage rock”. Forget "classic rock". When the song lists "averages" 30 years old, it's "vintage rock" bordering on "fossil rock".
I’ll take a healthy break and start searching for the next thing.
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