Ok… so I peek a little…
I can’t help it. I wanna know what other drummers are looking for gigs right now, what they’re looking for…you know, sizing up the competition as it were.
Besides it makes for great, entertaining fodder for the blog. This is something I just stumbled across this morning. It’s classic.
This drummer is looking for “like-minded” musicians. The drummer lists his experience, his preferences and his dislikes, goes on to describe his influences, distances themselves from the normal Dallas music and then drops this little bomb…”I do have demos but want to hear your stuff first to see if I will even consider it. No ego here, I just know what I want and don't want.”
Expressing your desires and dislikes is the definition of ego. But I submit that maybe this drummer might be on to something.
By setting himself on a “self important” pedestal, this drummer may be creating an illusion of “greatness” that might not otherwise exist, thus making themselves a coveted target. Not just that, but this drummer may be pouring a foundation of further iconism whereby the drummer is not only sought out by the great unwashed musicians, but worshiped during the tenure. The drummers words shall always ring true and others dare not question the wisdom. The drummer may require and demand respect not earned and can only lead and never follow.
Or, this drummer could just be a “turbo-douche”.
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