What I want
This isn’t complicated. People who inquire about my services often ask what it is that I’m looking for. I can honestly tell them that I’ll know it when I see it. But that’s not fair. They asked a pointed, direct question and the question deserves a pointed, direct answer. This will not be pointed and it will not be direct, but it will be thorough.
First let me tell you what I DON’T want.
1) I don’t want to play for a band that asks for a “Hell Yeah” and get’s one
2) I don’t want to play in a band that takes a “pause for the cause” or reminds patrons to “tip your bartenders and waitresses cuz they’re working hard for you so you don’t have to”.
3) I don’t want to play in a band that plays “my favorite song”.
4) I don’t want to play music that was recorded before most people in the club were born.
5) I don’t want to play a song because “you can’t be a band in Texas and not play this song”.
6) I don’t want to play in a band when the singer looses his place in the song so he just repeats the lyrics to the first verse for the second and third verse.
7) I don’t want to play in a band that plays songs by request when the lead singer requests them because that what he wants to hear.
8) I don’t want to play in a band that plays their favorite music instead of the patrons favorite music.
9) I don’t want to play in a band that keeps playing the same songs in the same order, the same way every gig.
10) I don’t want to play in a band that doesn’t aspire to improve and doesn’t aspire to play better venues.
11) I don’t want to play in bands that plays to this crowd:

So having said that what I do want is to play in a band that:
1) Wants to play in “A” rooms, knows what the “A” rooms are and what music bands are playing in “A” rooms.
2) Plays music recorded this century and is popular by young crowds.
3) Plays older music that “Sells well” with younger patrons.
4) Rehearses to be better, consistently works up new songs including creative arrangements to put their own signature on the music.
5) Doesn’t mind tracking the band to “thicken’ the sound.
6) Either has a sound engineer and runs the sound from the stage with precision
7) Speaks to the crowd with creativity and sophistication
8) Can play authentic requests from the crowd and doesn’t talk down to them
9) Varies the set lists and turns the lists over every 6 months
10) Play each song with enthusiasm, vigor and precision
11) Plays music to this crowd: