DFW Drums Blog

Mike's blog of things relating to Dallas/ Ft. Worth's Live Music Community and especially Drums!

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Wish I had said that

If you live enough life, someone will beat diplomacy into you to the point that you will say the polite, correct, politically correct or generally accepted by society statements almost all the time. After all, it's the safe thing to do. But haven't you ever gotten so mad, so aggravated, so frustrated, that you just wanted to spew the truth--no matter how it made you appear?
With tongue planted firmly in cheek, the following poster did just that and I almost fell out of my chair laughing while reading his ad.
I love smart satire and you just know that this guy has had his fill. This is a very recent ad placed in the "musicians available" section of the Dallas Observer that is re-printed here without permisssion...but what the hell-- just in case you missed it:

"Lethargic drummer seeks boring cover band...

Lethargic drummer seeks boring cover band - prefer doing same old club song list so I don't have to put forth any great effort like with any dynamic rock, pop, blues, jazz, fast country or that funky stuff. Drunk friends and family love ya anyway. The more hick and burned out FM classic rock stuff we play the better. The occasional Metallica or Pantera tune is cool too - I 'm in touch with my primal self and I like feeling nauseous. Prefer a band with a terrible female lead singer that sounds like a cross between Fran Dresher laughing and a pig being slowly tortured. Having a guitarist that consistently plays off key and out of tune leads or a bass player with no since of timing or rhythm is a plus. That tuning and timing stuff is so over rated - it's all noise after the first couple of pitchers anyway. The stickier the floors are at a gig the better. Playing weddings is cool so at least we get to drink and eat free, maybe pick up a couple of them single desperate house wives! Will play for warm beer, bad dope or for free if there's beer AND Hooter's chicks involved. Making money's no big thing, I can make drums from garbage cans, cymbals from garbage can lids, use tree limbs for sticks, cardboard for heads - sounds as good as any DW kit - and I carry it all on my Schwinn Cotton-Picker bike to the jams (it has an extra rack on the handle bars if anyone needs their gear hauled to a gig!). I'm a tree hugging environmental hippy that thought the Dixie Chicks was a new Southern style combo at at Popeye's - so I'm easily fooled too. Seriously, I do own an authentic 1960s Camber cymbal with some key-holing and it has just 2 cracks in it, but my cousin cut it down with a chain-saw so it sounds better than new - even has a nice sizzle sound that scares off rats. Like dragging my kit out to jam with bands that are about to break up or are constantly fighting and pouting like spoiled high school girls. I can replace a good drummer if your tired of that half-ass beat and want that dynamic got no ass at all beat. Oh yea - I've been playing since before birth, been in a thousands bands, don't have any contacts in "the biz" and have absolutely no idea what I'm doing - but will consider getting signed, going on tour and becoming a big Hollywood rock star. Flaky inquiries only please - hate to waste the time of serious working pros. And if you believe all that crap, DON'T EVEN bother contacting me!Pro gear, pro attitude, pro sneakers, pro underwear, pro America, EZ going, fear God, don't own any baggy shorts and apparently have a sense of humor."

This is my new best friend...and I don't even know him.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

More traffic than you might think

So... just how many people have visited my little corner of cyberspace? More than you might think. I presumed--falsely so-- that there were a very finite number of people who would show any interest in a drummer from the Dallas / Ft. Worth area. I figured a few dozen people could possibly want to read and learn about little 'ol me.
So I wondered, and still do, if the cost of maintaining this space is worth it. After all, I'm all about making money moreso than spending it.
Thanks to my wonderful host provider, I get "on-demand" statistics that tell me more than ever wanted to know about visitors to DFWdrums.com. In just a little over 2 and half months, over 1000 unique visitors have stopped by for a look -- albeit a very short look for some. A unique visitor is an IP address that has never been here before. The site has achieved about 4000 hits --which are simply visitors whether they've been here before or not. At least a couple of hundred never get past the front page --which incidentally and not so ironically houses my picture.
Just as many, viewed every page and some even visit this blog. The others are looking for something very specific and still a few of those still manage the gumption to actually e-mail me.
To everyone of you...thanks for visiting. I hope you enjoy the new look and more importantly, I hope we might hook up and play a little music someday.