DFW Drums Blog

Mike's blog of things relating to Dallas/ Ft. Worth's Live Music Community and especially Drums!

Monday, October 26, 2009

Weirdness times eleventy...

I know why people stay under the radar on the usual sites while looking for bands or musicians. It's to escape the weirdos that will call you on the phone drunk, stoned or both....or will call you blathering incoherently about the bands or needs.
I choose to stay pretty open posting my web site in my ads which contains my phone number but NOT my address. I get mostly e-mail inquiries but an occasional phone call...none of which has ever been "normal'....whatever that is.
I got a call last week from a guy looking for a drummer. We talked cordially for a while and then he told me that he's seen my ad for a long time. He asked me why I've posted so long (a legitimate question). I told him I'm looking for a very specific project and just haven't found it yet.
He then offered that "having ads up so long makes you look bad".
Telling him that "I don't give a crap how you think my ads makes me look"...even now, seems insufficient.
Enter "click, then dial tone" here......

Saturday, October 17, 2009

New and Improved reasons why Guitar Center Sucks!

I've been a business owner. I've dealt with customers in that capacity and I know how difficult and unpleasant it can be sometimes. I'm old school. The customer is always right, even if they're wrong. It costs so much more money to gain a new customer than it does to retain one you already have.
I also know that no matter how hard you try, you cannot please every customer and some will "vote with their feet"....simply walk away without explanation.

So it confuses me why a chain as large as Guitar Center can masterfully run off so many customers. Their apathy...and I'm talking about the people they employ to sell...is overwhelming. Their ego is suffocating. Their arrogance and sense of entitlement is amazing.
Look, it's a vicious cycle. the turnover is high, the pay is low, the stress is over bearing. To say the business model is a disaster is like saying Attila the Hun was perturbed.

But still, I believe that it's better to communicate my experiences than to just walk without explanation. That is MY mistake.
After a very unpleasant experience in the Lewisville, Texas location, I shot off an e-mail to the customer care department. About a week later, I received a cordial response from the Pro Audio department manager, Mike Stewart. I didn't immediately respond, but after another bad experience in the Dallas, Texas location on Central Expressway, I responded to Mike's e-mail message about that experience. Both experiences had to do with being largely ignored while in the store and when I finally got someone to deal with me, they didn't really want to help me. I was looking for specific parts and pieces during my first visit and the second bad experience was being told that a demo of an audio signal processor was just not possible. I think the exact phrase used was "I just don't know how we could hook that up for a demo". I said, "OK" and left.

This is the verbatim response from Mike Stewart, now the former Pro Audio Manager from the Lewisville, Texas location:

"Well, I will say this. You're an asshole for never sending anything back to us in the 1st place to verify you even got my e-mail. I don't even work for Guitar Center anymore but if I did you'd be the oppistate (sic) of anyone i would want to deal with."
Mike Stewart


I took exception to being called an asshole and wrote back suggesting maybe we get together to discuss the matter further.
Mike wrote back:

"oh yeah physical altercation is always problem solving in this era huh? Seems you have a great life and have accomplished much in your many years according to your website lol. Done with you dude, get over yourself. You're just another whiny "I've spent thousands of dollars here" guy we delt (sic) with every day that was a pain in the ass. Ciao."
Mike Stewart

Mike, by the way is now starting his own audio production business and no doubt, trying to drum up some new business...although I wouldn't exactly endorse his promotion style....you know, just in case you're in the market. Shoot me an e-mail and I'll pass along his company profile.

So the next time you're considering a purchase of music gear and you're thinking about Guitar Center, just remember the heartfelt words of this former employee and ask yourself, "am I a whiney (sic), pain in the ass" that these poor people are going to have to deal with today?

A sidenote: I was watching Letterman earlier this week and "Built To Spill" was the music guest. Brett Nelson was wearing a t-shirt on the backline with the "Guitar Center" logo on the front and a red circle with a line through the middle. Here's the link, see it for yourself:

If I can figure out a way to wear one everyday, I will.

Here's another great site if you love Guitar Center as much as I do:


Saturday, October 10, 2009

Hazy, Fuzzy Mystery #2851

Why is it....
That no matter how big the stage, no matter how much room the band has to set up, everyone still put their amps, guitar stands and keyboards so close to the drum kit that I can't get behind it without manuevering through an obstacle course?
I need a ladder or a swing to get back there.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

Why you can't find a drummer...

This could get me in big trouble. I could loose my membership in the “drummer club”. I could get called on the carpet by the grand poobah of drummers. By revealing these secrets I may have to kill…or at the very least, wag my finger and admonish readers never to repeat these to anyone.

(Gulp) Here goes…

Reason Number 1 …Your set list sucks

It’s tired, old and repetitive. I mean why does every… and I do mean every rock cover band insist on playing “Sweet Home Alabama”, “Brick house” and “Play That Funky Music”. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve played these songs…well, I’d have a lot of nickels. I once thought if I played these songs one more time, my arms would fall off. Look, this is how bad it’s gotten… I can play them with my eyes closed. I did last week-end.

I grew up playing music from great drummers. Danny Seraphine, Alan White, Steve Gadd, Steve Smith, Neil Peart, Vinnie Colaiuta, Prairie Prince, John Wilcox, Joe Vitale, Will Calhoun, Billy Cobham, Bernard Purdy and other similar greats. None of whom I would venture to guess ever played that funky music, white boy!

These days I listen to Keith Carlock, Carter Beauford, Taylor Hawkins, Butch Vig, Abe Laboriel, Jr., Nick D'Virgilio, Dave Grohl, Hilary Jones and other similar greats. None of whom has ever played that funky music, white boy!

I’ve never considered Artimus Pyle a great drummer. I give him his due for walking out of the plane wreckage that killed Ronnie Van Zandt, but I never personally followed drummers who went to jail for having sexual contact with their own kids as Pyle did, or drummers who killed themselves with drugs as did Keith Moon and John Bonham. There are too many other great drummers with positive life stories to follow.

I’ve never even heard of Ron Beitle. I don’t think I’ve ever seen the Wild Cherry drummer’s name on anyone’s list of drum influences. I’ll even submit that you’ve probably never heard of him until I mentioned him just now. In fact “Sweet Home Alabama” and “Play That Funky Music” are better known for the controversial racial overtones of the lyrics than there place in chart history.

I don’t understand the fascination with these songs and why everyone is so mesmerized and compelled to play them. Do you?

Reason Number 2... You’re looking for a timekeeper and not necessarily a band mate.

Most bands would think they’d died and gone to heaven if a drummer would rehearse 3 times a week, show up on time to gigs, bring a great sounding kit, set it up in 20 minutes, play everything on the set lists without a mistake, pack it up after the gig and never say a word. Bands don’t want to hear a drummer’s suggestions (especially song suggestions) or opinions. They don’t want to answer our questions. I’ve seriously been to auditions where no one even asked my name.
Some bands are even afraid to speak to drummers for fear they might speak back. When allowed to speak, I’ve occasionally suggested to some bands that there drums needs might best be met with the Boss DR-880 drum machine.

Reason number 3… How many Metal bands do we really need?

Let’s see…join a metal band, practice 3 times a week with guitar players who get pass out drunk and grind in drop-d to “Acid Bath” until the singer growls up a lung, never gig and see how many ways the f-word can be used in one verse. Oh yeah, sit in the parking lot of the rehearsal studio and curse drummers who don’t/won’t show up for practice. Priceless.

Reason #4… How many bad original bands do we really need?

Let’s see… join an original band, practice 3 times a week with people who play songs with no more than 3 chords and no lyrics, never gig and sit in the parking lot of the rehearsal studio and curse drummers who don’t/ won’t show up for practice. Priceless.

Reason #5… You’re not good.

“Professional” musicians earn their living making music. “Successful” musicians earn enough money making music to pay their living expenses and still have expendable income. I don’t know very many of those in Dallas. It’s been my experience that a lot of people playing music here simply have unreasonable expectations of their skills and the skills of the people they’re looking to join them. Face it, if you were as good as you think you are you’d be in Nashville, Los Angeles or New York making your living as a successful musician or at least a professional musician.

Reason #6 … You have no “people skills”.

You’re rude, obnoxious, boring, egotistical, pompous, and arrogant and you’re the music director of the band. Also see #5.

Reason #7… You play for yourself and not for your audience

The litmus test for determining set lists should be…”is this a song our audience would like to hear”. Instead of “is this a song we would like to play”. Don’t kid yourself. I’ve been in too many set list meetings to know better. The difference in what to put in set lists is the number one reason bands split up.

Reason #8 …There is a serious difference in the definition of genre’s

I will answer an ad for a variety band and the set lists is comprised of songs from ZZ Top and songs from Travis Tritt…and while that does represent “variety”, my definition of variety might be playing songs from Earth, Wind and Fire AND No Doubt.

Your definition of a dance band might be music from Rick Springfield AND Delbert McClinton and yes, I’ve seen people dance to both, my definition of a dance band might be music from Kreo and Rihanna.

There is a chasm of difference between the definitions and finding middle ground is almost impossible.

Reason #9… You have no plan and no time lime.

You’re putting a band together or re-starting a band that has no plan and no time line for getting to stage. You don’t know where you’re going to rehearse or even worse, you’re looking for a drummer who lives in a house you can rehearse in. Your plan is to talk some bars into letting you do free shows…you know, “for the exposure” and just take it from there and see where it goes. The audition begins with, “OK, what does everybody wanna play?”

Not a good way to motivate a drummer into sticking around through the audition.

Reason #10…You play the drums but only vicariously through the drummer you’re auditioning

OK, #’s 2, 5 and especially 6 apply here. I’ve been to auditions and the self proclaimed “music director”… normally a guitar player will stare at me while playing, stop and say, “Look dude…I want you on the ride cymbal there on that part and the fill goes like this”.
This is the point where I throw my sticks in the stick bag and start packing my kit.

These are just 10 off the top of my head. There are more….many, many more reasons why you can’t find or keep a drummer. I had a call just today from Cletus in Fort Worth who called to say he and another guitar player were looking for a drummer who could keep up. They're just playing a couple of small bars for free right now...you know...for the "exposure". I politely declined the invitation and then he called again three hours later forgetting that we had just spoken. Sheer genius.